Sustainable Fishing

Duration: 45 minutes

Grade Levels: 4-12

By using a model, students will construct explanations for why fish populations are declining. They will then design solutions for the animals and the people who depend on them.

Lesson Plan


Grade Levels: 4-12

Duration: 45 minutes

Concepts/Skills: Constructing Explanations, Developing & Using Models, Sustainability, Fishing


  • Use a model to explore how fishing affects the ocean animal populations.
  • Construct explanations and design solutions for impacts of fisheries on healthy oceans.
  • Identify ways individuals can influence impacts of the fishing industry and food sources.

Climate Standards Connections

Next Generation Science Standards
Grade Performance Expectation Description
5 5-ESS3-1 Obtain and combine information about ways individual communities use science ideas to protect the Earth’s resources and environment.
Climate Change Connections climate action